Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Introducing Shiny Robo Cop


You know for Christmas this year I finally got a sewing machine! After hand sewing my octopus halloween costume for hours I decided it was time I got something legit to attempt to make clothing. I discovered once I had my machine out of the box that it is slightly difficult to fit dresses to myself without some sort of assistance. Since I live by myself and since my friends don't really want to come over at all hours of the day to help me unpin random pieces of fabric I have wrapped around my body, I decided a dress form would make for the perfect assistant.  Looking online they all seemed to be hundreds of dollars. I thought there has got to be a cheaper way so I started my google search and discovered duct tape dress forms. Brilliant idea! Not only does it cost under $50, but it is my exact measurements.

{completed dress form}

After two hours wrapped in a duct tape corset and an adventurous Home Depot trip I came up with my very own headless shiny doppleganger...which my friend instantly dubbed Shiny Robo Cop.

{dress form stand}

{first sewing project}


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